Saturday, July 31, 2010

சர்வதேச தரத்திலான தாவரவியல் பூங்கா??????????????

கோவையில் முதல் கட்டமாக 45 ஏக்கர் பரப்பில் செம்மொழிப் பூங்கா அமைக்கும் பணி 18 மாதங்களில் முடியும்,'' என, தமிழ்நாடு நகர்ப்புற கட்டமைப்பு நிதி நிறுவன மேலாண் இயக்குனர் பனீந்திர ரெட்டி தெரிவித்தார்.
கோவையில் நடந்த உலகத் தமிழ்ச் செம்மொழி மாநாட்டு நினைவாக, கோவை மத்திய சிறை அமைந்துள்ள இடத்தில் சர்வதேச தரத்திலான தாவரவியல் பூங்கா அமைக்கப்படும் என்று முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி அறிவித்தார். செம்மொழி மாநாட்டிலும் இது முக்கிய தீர்மானமாக நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டது.இந்த பூங்கா அமைப்பது தொடர்பாக, அரசால் ஏற்கனவே அரசாணை வெளியிடப்பட்டு, முதல் கட்டப் பூங்கா அமைப்பதற்காக சென்னை நதிகள் சீரமைப்பு அறக்கட்டளைக்கு 20 கோடி ரூபாய் நிதி ஒதுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. அதைத் தொடர்ந்து, இந்த பூங்கா அமைப்பது தொடர்பான சாத்தியக்கூறு அறிக்கை பெறப்பட்டுள்ளது.சென்னையைச் சேர்ந்த"ராஜேந்திரன் அசோசியேட்ஸ்' இந்த அறிக்கையைத் தயாரித்துள்ளது. இது தொடர்பான ஒருங்கிணைப்புக்கூட்டம், தமிழ்நாடு நகர்ப்புற கட்டமைப்பு நிதி நிறுவன மேலாண் இயக்குனர் மற்றும் தலைமை செயல் அலுவலர் பனீந்திரரெட்டி தலைமையில் கோவை கலெக்டர் அலுவலகத்தில் நேற்று நடந்தது.இதில், அசோசியேட்ஸ் சார்பில் ரூப்மதி ஆனந்த் பங்கேற்று, செம்மொழிப் பூங்கா அமைப்பதற்கான சாத்தியக்கூறு அறிக்கையை "பவர் பாயின்ட் பிரசன்டேஷன்' மூலமாக விளக்கினார். பூங்காவிற்குள் அமையவுள்ள பகுதிகள், தாவர வகைகள், தண்ணீர்த் தேவை உள்ளிட்ட பல விஷயங்களையும் அவர் விளக்கினார்.
இந்த ஆய்வுக் கூட்டத்துக்குப் பின், நிருபர்களிடம் பனீந்திரரெட்டி கூறியதாவது:செம்மொழிப் பூங்கா அமைப்பது தொடர்பான ஒருங்கிணைப்புக் கூட்டம், முதல் முறையாக நடத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது. கோவை மத்திய சிறை அமைந்துள்ள 165 ஏக்கர் பரப்பில், செம்மொழிப் பூங்கா அமைப்பது தொடர்பான முழுமைத் திட்டத்தை (மாஸ்டர் பிளான்) தயாரிப்பது பற்றி விவாதிக்கப்பட்டது.இதைத் தயாரிக்கவுள்ள நிறுவனத்துக்கு, பிரதான வாயில், மல்டி லெவல் கார் பார்க்கிங், மாநாட்டுக்கூடம் ஆகியவற்றை எங்கே அமைப்பது, தண்ணீர்த் தேவையை எப்படி நிறைவேற்றுவது என்று "கன்சல்டன்ஸி' நிறுவனத்துக்கு சில சந்தேகங்கள் இருந்தன. அதுபற்றியும் இக்கூட்டத்தில் விளக்கப்பட்டது.
ஒரு நாளுக்கு ஒரு ஏக்கருக்கு 25 ஆயிரம் லிட்டர் தண்ணீர் தேவைப்படுமென கணக்கிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
அதேபோல, பஸ் ஸ்டாண்ட் விரிவாக்கம் பற்றியும் இருக்கும் என்றும் முடிவு செய்ய வேண்டியுள்ளது. முதல் கட்டமாக, காலியாகவுள்ள 45 ஏக்கர் பரப்பில் பூங்காவை அமைப்பதற்காக நில அளவை செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது.
தற்போது தயாரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள சாத்தியக்கூறு அறிக்கையில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ள பரிந்துரை ஏற்கப்பட்ட பின், விரிவான திட்ட அறிக்கை தயாரிக்கப்படும். இந்த பணி, இன்னும் 20 நாட்களில் முடியும். அதன்பின் "டெண்டர்' உள்ளிட்ட பணிகள் நடக்கும். முதற்கட்ட பூங்கா அமைக்கும் பணி துவங்கி 18 மாதங்களில் முடிவடையும்.அடுத்த கட்டமாக, சிறை வளாகத்தை வேறு இடத்துக்கு மாற்றுவதற்கான இடம் தேர்வு செய்து, கட்டடங்கள் கட்டி முடிக்கப்பட வேண்டும். அதற்கு நீண்ட கால அவகாசம் தேவைப்படும். இவ்வாறு, பனீந்திரரெட்டி தெரிவித்தார்.-Dinakaran

கோவை செம்மொழிப் பூங்கா பணி 18 மாதங்களில் முடியும்:மேலாண் இயக்குனர் தகவல்

கோவையில் முதல் கட்டமாக 45 ஏக்கர் பரப்பில் செம்மொழிப் பூங்கா அமைக்கும் பணி 18 மாதங்களில் முடியும்,'' என, தமிழ்நாடு நகர்ப்புற கட்டமைப்பு நிதி நிறுவன மேலாண் இயக்குனர் பனீந்திர ரெட்டி தெரிவித்தார்.
கோவையில் நடந்த உலகத் தமிழ்ச் செம்மொழி மாநாட்டு நினைவாக, கோவை மத்திய சிறை அமைந்துள்ள இடத்தில் சர்வதேச தரத்திலான தாவரவியல் பூங்கா அமைக்கப்படும் என்று முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி அறிவித்தார். செம்மொழி மாநாட்டிலும் இது முக்கிய தீர்மானமாக நிறைவேற்றப்பட்டது.இந்த பூங்கா அமைப்பது தொடர்பாக, அரசால் ஏற்கனவே அரசாணை வெளியிடப்பட்டு, முதல் கட்டப் பூங்கா அமைப்பதற்காக சென்னை நதிகள் சீரமைப்பு அறக்கட்டளைக்கு 20 கோடி ரூபாய் நிதி ஒதுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. அதைத் தொடர்ந்து, இந்த பூங்கா அமைப்பது தொடர்பான சாத்தியக்கூறு அறிக்கை பெறப்பட்டுள்ளது.சென்னையைச் சேர்ந்த"ராஜேந்திரன் அசோசியேட்ஸ்' இந்த அறிக்கையைத் தயாரித்துள்ளது. இது தொடர்பான ஒருங்கிணைப்புக்கூட்டம், தமிழ்நாடு நகர்ப்புற கட்டமைப்பு நிதி நிறுவன மேலாண் இயக்குனர் மற்றும் தலைமை செயல் அலுவலர் பனீந்திரரெட்டி தலைமையில் கோவை கலெக்டர் அலுவலகத்தில் நேற்று நடந்தது.இதில், அசோசியேட்ஸ் சார்பில் ரூப்மதி ஆனந்த் பங்கேற்று, செம்மொழிப் பூங்கா அமைப்பதற்கான சாத்தியக்கூறு அறிக்கையை "பவர் பாயின்ட் பிரசன்டேஷன்' மூலமாக விளக்கினார். பூங்காவிற்குள் அமையவுள்ள பகுதிகள், தாவர வகைகள், தண்ணீர்த் தேவை உள்ளிட்ட பல விஷயங்களையும் அவர் விளக்கினார்.
இந்த ஆய்வுக் கூட்டத்துக்குப் பின், நிருபர்களிடம் பனீந்திரரெட்டி கூறியதாவது:செம்மொழிப் பூங்கா அமைப்பது தொடர்பான ஒருங்கிணைப்புக் கூட்டம், முதல் முறையாக நடத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது. கோவை மத்திய சிறை அமைந்துள்ள 165 ஏக்கர் பரப்பில், செம்மொழிப் பூங்கா அமைப்பது தொடர்பான முழுமைத் திட்டத்தை (மாஸ்டர் பிளான்) தயாரிப்பது பற்றி விவாதிக்கப்பட்டது.இதைத் தயாரிக்கவுள்ள நிறுவனத்துக்கு, பிரதான வாயில், மல்டி லெவல் கார் பார்க்கிங், மாநாட்டுக்கூடம் ஆகியவற்றை எங்கே அமைப்பது, தண்ணீர்த் தேவையை எப்படி நிறைவேற்றுவது என்று "கன்சல்டன்ஸி' நிறுவனத்துக்கு சில சந்தேகங்கள் இருந்தன. அதுபற்றியும் இக்கூட்டத்தில் விளக்கப்பட்டது.
ஒரு நாளுக்கு ஒரு ஏக்கருக்கு 25 ஆயிரம் லிட்டர் தண்ணீர் தேவைப்படுமென கணக்கிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.
அதேபோல, பஸ் ஸ்டாண்ட் விரிவாக்கம் பற்றியும் இருக்கும் என்றும் முடிவு செய்ய வேண்டியுள்ளது. முதல் கட்டமாக, காலியாகவுள்ள 45 ஏக்கர் பரப்பில் பூங்காவை அமைப்பதற்காக நில அளவை செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது.
தற்போது தயாரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள சாத்தியக்கூறு அறிக்கையில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ள பரிந்துரை ஏற்கப்பட்ட பின், விரிவான திட்ட அறிக்கை தயாரிக்கப்படும். இந்த பணி, இன்னும் 20 நாட்களில் முடியும். அதன்பின் "டெண்டர்' உள்ளிட்ட பணிகள் நடக்கும். முதற்கட்ட பூங்கா அமைக்கும் பணி துவங்கி 18 மாதங்களில் முடிவடையும்.அடுத்த கட்டமாக, சிறை வளாகத்தை வேறு இடத்துக்கு மாற்றுவதற்கான இடம் தேர்வு செய்து, கட்டடங்கள் கட்டி முடிக்கப்பட வேண்டும். அதற்கு நீண்ட கால அவகாசம் தேவைப்படும். இவ்வாறு, பனீந்திரரெட்டி தெரிவித்தார்.-Dinamalar

Panel suggests bodies on the lines of CMDA for Coimbatore

Creation of bodies on the lines of the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority has been suggested for other cities in the State such as Coimbatore and Madurai.

This is among a number of recommendations made by a committee, headed by former Supreme Court Judge S. Mohan, to look into all aspects of development and suggest modifications to Tamil Nadu Town and Country Planning Act, 1971.

Among the functions of the CMDA are carrying out surveys of the Chennai metropolitan planning area, preparing master plans or detailed development plans or new town development plans and preparing land use maps.

Constituted in June 2007, the committee, comprising six persons, held 33 hearings. On Friday, Mr. Justice Mohan submitted the report to Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi at the Secretariat.

Formation of the committee became necessary in the wake of rapid urbanisation in many parts of the State. Issues such as construction of high-rise buildings and related influence on overall building development – authorised and unauthorised – had to be addressed so that safety and health aspects of urban living could be taken care of. Referring to other recommendations, Mr. Justice Mohan said developers, before taking up development activity, would have to pay development charges to local authorities concerned.

As in Gujarat, the pooling system of development could be tried out. Under the system, if lands belonging to private individuals happen to constitute a small pocket in a locality where greater extent of lands belongs to the government or its agencies, the private lands can be pooled with the official resources for planned development.

Two years ago, the committee had recommended an amendment to the Act to address the issue of effective regulation and control of unauthorised and deviated constructions.

It was amended and enabled authorities to seal premises of buildings in the event of violation of building permits, he said.

Special train services between Coimbatore, Mettupalayam extended by one more month

Southern Railway, Salem Division, has announced that the special train services between Coimbatore and Mettupalayam for the two months (June and July) has been extended by one more month up to August 31. There has been persistent demands for frequent train services between Coimbatore and Mettupalayam from various quarters.The road on either side accounts for a number of residential colonies, besides educational institutions and industries. There is sizeable number of commuters travelling between these two destinations every day.
In June this year, three pairs of special trains were introduced for one month.
Towards June end, the Mettupalayam public and political parties staged a demonstration demanding that the train services should be made permanent and should be operated on Sundays as well.
The Southern Railway immediately announced the extension of the train services till July. Towards July end, the public met the railway officials in Salem and demanded that the services be made permanent. They pointed out the number of people travelling and the revenue generated as a justification for making the train services a permanent one.
Railway officials pointed out that already a proposal in this connection had been forwarded to the headquartersbut on making the service a permanent one, they said that the final approval should come from the Railway Board. Now, on Friday, the division has announced the extension of the special trains till August 31.

Essar's business school in Coimbatore

Coimbatore's prominence on the education map of India is expected to grow considerably, once the Aegis Global Academy's Institute of Customer Experience Management (ICEM) opens its doors.
The business school from the Essar conglomerate has set up its first campus in the country in the city to cater to the manpower needs of the service sector. “It is the first such institute in the country,” says Subir Ghosh, president, ICEM. The 15-month programme will have 11 months of academics and industry orientation and four months of internship.
The curriculum has been endorsed by Indian Institute of Management – Indore, Service Quality Centre, Singapore, and COPC, U.S. Classes are scheduled to being in September.

Right time,,, but how long?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Award for CRI Pumps

CRI Pumps has received Tamil Nadu Government's Corporate Social Responsibility Award for 2009-10.
According to a release, the award has a cash prize of Rs. 5 lakh and a certificate. G. Soundararajan, Vice-Chairman of the company, received the award from Deputy Chief Minister M.K. Stalin recently. The initiatives and projects carried out by the company through CRI Charitable Trust and K. Gopal Memorial Trust include construction of an auditorium, library and infrastructure at the Corporation Higher Secondary School, Siddhapudur, construction of biomass gasifier crematorium, and adoption of eight schools.

Apollo Hospitals to set up liver clinic in Coimbatore

Chennai-based Apollo Hospitals will open a liver clinic here to guide patients on transplantation. The patients will be referred to the hospital in Chennai if they require transplantation. If not, they can get treated locally by a gastroenterologist, Consultant Surgeon at the hospital's Centre for Liver Diseases and Transplantation Anand Ramamurthy told presspersons on Wednesday.
While a new clinic would be opened in Coimbatore, the existing general clinics in Madurai, Tiruchi and Erode would be use for the liver-related programme also.
A multi-disciplinary team would assess patients thoroughly on whether they required transplantation. With no liver transplantation facility in Coimbatore, Apollo Hospitals looked at filling the gap by guiding patients to the facility in Chennai.
Apollo Hospital was not looking at opening a full-fledged multi-speciality centre in the city now. The effort now was to spread awareness among the public on the facility in Chennai. “We will liaise with the doctors and hospitals in Coimbatore. Already, they are referring cases to us. We have also harvested livers from brain dead patients in Coimbatore and transplanted these in recipients at our hospital in Chennai,” Dr. Ramamurthy said.
“We also want people to know that liver transplantation is not a trial and error procedure any longer. It has been standardised,” Dr. Ramamurthy said. “Over the last 10 years, the success rate has improved from 60 per cent to 90 per cent. Worldwide, it has been put at 86 per cent to 92 per cent.”
The surgeon said people should know that donating a portion of the liver was safe as the organ had the capacity to regenerate. “It regenerates 90 per cent in eight week,” he said. “At the same time, we need to brief the donors on the risk also, in order to get their informed consent,” he pointed out.
Explaining the need for greater awareness, he said 50 million people in the country were affected by liver diseases and the incidence was on the rise.
People came to the specialists only when the problem was at an advanced stage. “The liver is a silent and non-complaining worker. Only when the problem crosses the 70 per cent mark, the symptoms such as vomiting of blood, slurred speech and fluid accumulation in hands and legs will show up.”

Is it possible?

போதிய கட்டமைப்பு வசதிகள் இருப்பதால், கோவையில் தேசிய நிர்வாகவியல் மேலாண்மை மையம்(ஐஐஎம்) அல்லது உலகத் தரத்தில் பல்கலை. அமைக்கவேண்டும் என்று கடந்த 2007ம் ஆண்டு மத்திய அரசுக்கு, முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி கோரிக்கை விடுத்திருந்தார். இதையேற்று கோவை, திருவாரூரில் உலகத்தரத்திலான பல்கலைக்கழகம் அமைக்க மத்திய அரசு அனுமதி அளித்தது.திருவாரூரில் மத்திய பல்கலைகழகம் செயல்பட துவங்கியுள்ளது. கோவையில் பல்கலை. அமைக்கும் பணிகளை தமிழக அரசு தீவிரப்படுத்தியுள்ளது. ஆனாலும், பல்கலைக்கழகத்துக்கு மாநில அரசு குறைந்தது 100 ஏக்கர் நிலம் வழங்கவேண்டும் என மனிதவள மேம்பாட்டு அமைச்சகம் அறிவுறுத்தியது.கோவை மாநகரில் போதிய இடவசதி இல்லாததால், புறநகர் பகுதிகளான பொள்ளாச்சி, அவிநாசி சாலைகளில் பல்வேறு இடங்கள் ஆய்வு செய்யப்பட்டன. ஒரே பகுதியில் போதிய நிலம் கிடைக்கவில்லை. அதேபோல், கோவையில் வேளாண் ஏற்றுமதி முனையம் அமைக்க, மாநில வேளாண் அமைச்சகம் தீவிரம் காட்டியது. இதற்கும் 100 ஏக்கர் நிலம் தேவை. 3 ஆண்டாக முயற்சித்தும், இன்னும் இடம் கிடைக்கவில்லை. இதுபற்றி வருவாய் அதிகாரிகள் கூறியதாவது: உலகத் தரத்திலான பல்கலைகழகம், வேளாண் ஏற்றுமதி முனையம் அமைக்க, தனியாரிடம் இருந்துதான் நிலங்களை வாங்கவேண்டும். ஆனால், கோவையில் நில மதிப்பு பன்மடங்கு அதிகரித்துள்ளது. திட்டங்களுக்கு ஒதுக்கப்படும் ஒட்டுமொத்த நிதியும், நிலத்துக்கே போதாது என்ற நிலை உள்ளது. இதனால், வேளாண் ஏற்றுமதி முனையம், ஈரோடு மாவட்டம் பெருந்துறை சிப்காட் வளாகத்தில் அமைக்க திட்டமிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. உலகத்தர பல்கலைகழகத்துக்கும் கோவையில் இடம் கிடைப்பது சிரமம். இவ்வாறு அதிகாரிகள் கூறினர்-Dinakaran

Pictures From Skyscrapercity Forums

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Blue Brigade to fix leaks in water lines in city

The Coimbatore Corporation's Blue Brigade hit the roads on Tuesday to fix leaks in water lines.
The civic body said five workers, one tap inspector and one fitter would be on the move around the city. A Junior Engineer would operate the brigade.
On spotting leaks in water lines, the public could call the Corporation on helpline number 94892-06030. The tap inspector would carry this mobile phone.
Wireless communication sets had been provided in the vehicle. Information on water leaks provided to the offices of the Corporation by the public would be relayed to the brigade through these.
The mini bus, containing the workers and a whole range of equipment, would rush to the spot to plug the leak or replace damaged lines.

The Corporation said this would be a quick response system, in contrast to the wait for the workers to arrive on cycles to dig the road and then for the plumbers to bring equipment and replacements after assessing the requirements at the spot.

The vehicle would carry leak detection equipment with a sensor to locate the exact problem spot, road cutters and other tools and also spares.

And, there would be motors to pump out stagnant water. The vehicles would also have a small testing laboratory to check the quality of water supplied through public taps or residential/ commercial connections.
The State Government had allotted Rs.1.70 crore to 17 civic bodies (corporations and municipalities) to purchase the vehicle and equipment. Each unit cost Rs.10 lakh.

The brigade would also collect drinking water consumption charges.
The vehicle had been provided with a laptop to feed immediately the collection details into its database of various taxes.

Airport Director assumes office

K. Peter Abraham assumed office as Airport Director (in General Manager rank), Coimbatore on Monday. He replaces M.R. Vasudeva who has been transferred to Mangalore. Mr. Peter Abraham joined Air Traffic services as Aerodrome Officer in 1986 and had undergone advanced training at Federation Aviation, Academy in the United States. He had served in various capacities at Thiruvananthapuram, Mumbai and Chennai Airports.

Stalin to inaugurate micro and small industries'' convention

The 19th edition of the state-level convention of Micro and Small Industries in Tamil Nadu would be inaugurated by Deputy Chief minister M K Stalin here on August 1. The one-day convention +STICON+ would discuss various problems faced by this segment,including relocating industries to the outskirts to prevent pollution inside the city, for which the government should identify and set up a Micro Industrial Estate in a minimum of 10 to 15 acres, C Muthusami, convention Chairman told reporters here today. Stating that MSMEs have already urged the Government to increase power from 150 HP to 250 HP for Light Tension industries, M Kandhaswami, president, Coimbatore District Small Industries Association (CODISSIA) said the government should also consider starting an Industrial Training Institute in Coimbatore, the hub of industry in the district. Madhav Lal, additional secretary and development commissioner (MSME), union ministry of MIcro,Small and Medium Enterprises and State rural industries minister, Pongalur N Palanisamy would also participate in the convention. The convention is being organised jointly by Tamil Nadu Small and Tiny Industries Association (TANSTIA), all District level associations of MSMEs and Codissia, Muthusami said. PTI NVM APR

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

கோவை டைடல் பார்க் அருகே பல அடுக்கு மேம்பாலம்: அமைச்சர் பழனிச்சாமி நம்பிக்கை

கோவை ஹோப்காலேஜ் பாலம் அருகே பல அடுக்கு மேம்பாலம் கட்டும் திட்டம் உள்ளது,'' என்று அமைச்சர் பழனிச்சாமி தெரிவித்தார்.
கோவை "டைடல் பார்க்' அமைக்கும் பணி, இறுதிக்கட்டத்தை எட்டியுள்ளது. வரும் ஆக.2 அன்று திறப்பு விழா நடக்கிறது. துணை முதல்வர் ஸ்டாலின், இதனைத் திறந்து வைக்கவுள்ளார்.  இந்நிலையில், "டைடல் பார்க்' பணிகளை தமிழக அமைச்சர் பழனிச்சாமி நேற்று திடீர் ஆய்வு செய்தார்.ஆய்வுக்குப் பின், அமைச்சர் பழனிச்சாமி கூறியதாவது: சென்னைக்கு அடுத்ததாக இரண்டாம் நிலை நகரங்களான கோவை, மதுரை மற்றும் திருச்சியில் தகவல் தொழில் நுட்பப் பூங்கா அமைக்கப்படுமென்று முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி அறிவித்தார். அதன்படி, இரண்டாம் நிலை நகரங்களில் முதல் முறையாக, கோவையில் "டைடல் பார்க்' கட்டி முடிக்கப் பட்டுள்ளது.மொத்தம் 380 கோடி ரூபாய் மதிப்பில், 17 லட்சம் சதுர அடியில் சென்னையை விட பெரிய தகவல் தொழில்நுட்பப் பூங்காவாக இந்த பூங்கா அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. சிவில் பணிகள் கிட்டத்தட்ட முடியும் நிலையில் உள்ளன. அலுவலகங்களுக்குள்ளான கட்டுமான வசதிகளை அந்தந்த நிறுவனங்களே செய்து கொள்ளும்.

பூமிக்கடியில் உள்ள மூன்று தளங்களில் 1,500 கார்களை நிறுத்த "பார்க்கிங்' வசதி உள்ளது. முதல் தளத்தில் உணவுக் கூடம் மற்றும் கடைகள் அமைக்கப்படும் இடம் போக, மீதமுள்ள இடமும், பிற தளங்களும் ஐ.டி., நிறுவனங்களுக்கு வாடகைக்குத் தரப்படும். ஐ.டி., படித்த 12 ஆயிரம் பேருக்கு இங்கு வேலை கிடைக்கும்.  அவிநாசி ரோட்டில் உள்ள நுழைவாயில் மட்டுமே, இதற்கு பிரதான வாயிலாக இருக்கும். ஹோப் காலேஜ் அருகே, சாலையைக் கடந்து, பூங்காவுக்கு வருவதில் உள்ள சிரமங்களைத் தவிர்க்க, இந்த இடத்தில் பல அடுக்கு மேம்பாலம் அமைக்க, உத்தேச திட்டம் தயாரிக்கப்பட்டு, அரசின் ஒப்புதலுக்கு அனுப்பி வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

கோவையைச் சேர்ந்தவர்களுக்கு முன்னுரிமை அளிக்க வேண்டுமென்று எந்த ஐ.டி., நிறுவனத்தையும் கட்டாயப்படுத்த முடியாது. அவரவர் தேவைக் கேற்ற திறனாளிகளை அவர்கள் தேர்வு செய்து கொள்வர். இருப்பினும், கோவையில் இருப்பவர்களுக்கே பணியில் முன்னுரிமை வழங்கவே, ஐ.டி., நிறுவனங்களும் முன் வர வாய்ப்புண்டு. இவ்வாறு, அமைச்சர் கூறினார்.ஆய்வின் போது, கோவை கலெக்டர் உமாநாத், "டைடல் பார்க்' செயற்பொறியாளர் பாலசுப்ரமணியம் உட்பட பலர் உடனிருந்தனர்.

ஆச்சரியப்படுத்திய அமைச்சர்: அமைச்சர் பழனிச்சாமி பங்கேற்கும் நிகழ்ச்சி என்றாலே, அவர் தாமதமாகத்தான் வருவார் என்று நிருபர்களே தாமதமாகத்தான் செல்வார்கள். ஆனால், சமீபகாலமாக அவரிடம் பெரிய மாற்றம். நேற்று அவர் "டைடல் பார்க்' ஆய்வு நடத்த 11.00 மணிக்கு வருவதாகச் சொல்ல, நிருபர்கள் 12.00 மணிக்கு வந்தனர். ஆனால், குறிப்பிட்ட நேரத்துக்கு அங்கு அமைச்சர் வந்து விட, அவரை வரவேற்க யாருமே இல்லை. தனியார் நிறுவன செக்யூரிட்டிகள் அவரது காரையும் உள்ளே விட அனுமதி மறுக்க, பாதுகாப்பு அலுவலர்கள் இறங்கி, விஷயத்தை விளக்கினர். அதைப் பற்றி அலட்டிக் கொள்ளாமல், கலெக்டர் மற்றும் பொறியாளர்கள் வரும் வரை, தனியாக தனது உதவியாளரை அழைத்துக் கொண்டு, ஆய்வு செய்தார் அமைச்சர்.

Minister visits Tidel Park

Rural Industries and Animal Husbandry Minister Pongalur N. Palanisamy and Coimbatore District Collector P. Umanath on Tuesday visited the Tidel Park coming up in 62 acres at Peelamedu behind the Coimbatore Medical College. They reviewed the ongoing works.
The Tidel Park will be inaugurated by Deputy Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on August 2. Mr. Palanisamy said that the Tidel Park is coming up in 17 lakh sq ft at a cost of Rs. 380 crore.
There would be four floors below the ground level and four floors above the ground level.
Arrangements have been done for parking 1,500 four-wheelers at a time. First floor would have banks, restaurants, video-conference hall, book shops and the remaining space would be for IT firms. This would provide employment to 12,000 software professionals. There would be 24-hour water supply, air conditioning facility, fire extinguishers. Works relating to these facilities and lifts have been completed and a trial run was also done. To ensure uninterrupted power supply, there would be a generator of 10 MW capacity.
Mr. Umanath asked officials to complete the remaining works at the earliest.
A view of TIDEL Park Coimbatore Ltd at the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for Information Technology Industries in Coimbatore. 

Upgraded health centre opened at Shivanjali

FOR HEALTH CARE: Vice-President and Head of Coimbatore Operations of Cognizant Technology Solutions Vishnu Potty (right) and Cognizant Foundation Chief Executive Officer S. Madhavan (second right) take a look at the equipment in the upgraded health centre of Shivanjali Trust at Pappanaickenpudur in Coimbatore on Tuesday. 

An out-patient health centre for women and children has been upgraded into an in-patient facility at Shivanjali at Pappanaickenpudur in the city.
The upgraded facility – Siva Shantha Mother and Child Health Centre – has24 beds and an intensive care unit with four beds.
The Cognizant Foundation has provided Rs.15 lakh to turn the out-patient facility into a basic child and mother care hospital, including maternity services.
Shivanjali Trust, which runs the hospital, has said in a press release that the funds from the foundation were used for the purchase of equipment for the operation theatre, the labour ward and the patient recovery area.
The upgraded centre was inaugurated on Tuesday, as part of a number of events held over three days to mark the fifth Mahasamadhi Aradhana of Shivanjali's founder Shantanan Saraswathi.
Chief Executive Officer of the foundation S. Madhavan said it provided funds under the corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme to improve facilities in education and health care.
Corporation social responsibility had to step in where poverty denied access to quality education and health care, he said. “We are happy to join Shivanjali Trust in the service to poor through this medical centre,” he said.
Cognizant Technology Solutions' Vice-President and Head of Operations in Coimbatore Vishnu Potty listed the support it had provided under its CSR initiative in Coimbatore, such as a computer laboratory at Don Bosco Anbu Illam, solid waste management programme at the Coimbatore Medical College Hospital and funds to purchase an operating microscope for Sankara Eye Centre.
Head of Sri Muthukrishna Swami Mission Trust in Tirunelveli Vithamma said health care service to the poor should not be run as a business.
While there were hospitals run as part of an industry, there was need for some to render free service to the poor, she said.
Senior Medical Officer of the centre Uma Deavi said money would not be a criterion for treatment. “Patients need to give only whatever they can. We do not intend to run the centre with money from the patients alone. Money can come from other sources,” she said.
Director of EMS Asia Group in Malaysia Sivaramakrishnan Venkataraman spoke.

Oriental Hotels to beef up its room strength

City-based Oriental Hotels is planning to open two more hotels and add more rooms at its existing properties to take the total number of hotels and rooms under its fold to 10 and 1,250 respectively by 2012.
In addition, the company plans to build a new hotel at Sriperumbuder, around 50 km here, and put to use its land banks in Mysore, Kochi, Conoor.
'We have spent around Rs.178 crore in renovation and expansion of existing properties like Taj Coromadel, Taj Fisherman's Cove. Another Rs.160 crore will be spent over the next two years,' N.Prakash, director (operations), told reporters here Tuesday.
Currently, the Rs.194 crore revenue hospitality company has eight properties under its fold with 870 rooms.
The new hotels that will come up next year are 180 room Taj Suriya in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, and a 200 room hotel in Bangalore under the Gateway brand.
All the hotels of Oriental Hotels are managed by The Indian Hotels Company Ltd (IHCL) under its various brands. IHCL holds around 18 percent in the Rs.17.85 crore equity of Oriental Hotels.
Meanwhile, for the first quarter of the current fiscal Oriental Hotels has posted a total income of Rs.48 crore and a net profit of Rs.1.68 crore as against Rs.36 crore and Rs.58 lakhs earned during the corresponding period of the previous year.
While room rents contributed 60 percent of the top line the balance was from food and beverage.
'Going forward Oriental Hotels will focus on growing and expanding its business in critical markets across India. Our proposed properties in Coimbatore and Bangalore are in that direction. We will unlock our land bank in opportune time,' Managing Director D.Varada Reddy said.
According to IHCL's Executive Director (Finance) Anil P. Goel, the company is investing in hotel properties in the Maldives and Phuket, Thailand.
Citing its Rs.300 crore net worth, Goel said the company will fund its expansion with internal accruals and debt.

IT parks

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Esi Hospital @ 100 crores

Continuation of special train service awaits green signal

Awaiting confirmation from the Railway Board, the continuation of the special trains running between Coimbatore and Mettupalayam is hanging in balance.
Following persistent demands and repeated representations, three pairs of special trains were introduced on this section on June 1. After a month, the Southern Railway proposed a 10-day extension for the train besides cancellation of one service on either direction, which triggered an agitation. Later, the Railways announced the extension of the two pairs of services for another month i.e., till July 31.
The demand for train services between Coimbatore and Mettupalayam was born out of many factors: narrow and battered stretch of Mettupalayam Road proving to be an accident- prone stretch witnessing an ever-increasing pressure on traffic. In addition, the road on either side has a large number of industries and educational institutions besides mushrooming residential localities. The road is also a gateway to Udhagamandalam.
In the absence of frequent and convenient train connectivity, there is an increasing pressure on road traffic. Not withstanding the once in a while travellers, the regular commuters on this section- students, office-goers and industrial workers - would ensure adequate patronage for these trains.
The train service barring Sundays had a patronage of over 79,000 people fetching a revenue of over Rs. 5 lakh. Even Railways admits to adequate occupancy ratio and patronage for these trains while peak hour services are fully packed to their capacity, points out K. Kathirmathiyon, Secretary of Coimbatore Consumer Cause (CCC).
The patronage is sure to increase if the en-route stations such as Thudialur, Pudupalayam and Urumandampalayam which are in a dilapidated conditions are renovated.
The train at present stops only at Coimbatore North, Periyanaickenpalayam and Karamadai. T.T. Arangasamy of Mettuppalayam Residents Welfare Association said that two decades ago, there were as many as five services between these destinations.
Instead of providing more services, the Railways had chosen to go on the ‘reverse gear', stopping all services and operating only special trains on a temporary schedule.
Mr. Kathirmathiyon said that the Railways should operate the services for a minimum of six months at convenient timings so that it becomes popular. He aaded that the Road Safety-cum-Traffic Advisory Committee meetings regularly stressed the need for train services to decongest Mettupalayam Road and reduce accident rate.
Mr. Arangasamy pointed out that on the revenue front also, the special trains had fared well registering an occupancy rate of 118 and 120 per cent during peak hours and above average patronage during non-peak hours.
When contacted, the Divisional Railway Manager-Salem, P.N. Ram, said that a proposal for extending the services had already been forwarded to the headquarters and the approval was expected any time from the Railway Board. With hardly a few days to go for July-end, the people remain anxious on the fate of the train service.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Suriya smiles, shines

Suriya, true to his name, is no doubt the shinning star of Kollywood currently. The actor, who is celebrating his birthday today, is happy for more than one reason, with the first and foremost being the new addition in the family- his son Dev.
“Dev is cute and sweet. And it is Diya who is taking good care of him. Before going to school, she helps Jo in changing nappies and other things. Diya is very fond of her younger brother,” the actor says with all pride.
It is going to be business as usual for Suriya today, as he will be spending his big day on the sets of ‘7am Arivu’ in Coimbatore. But his fan clubs all over Tamil Nadu have organised events like blood and organs donation camps.
On ‘7am Arivu’, directed by A R Murugadoss and produced by Udhayanidhi Stalin, the actor says, “it is not the usual story. We are doing intense research and the film will be totally a new experience to the audience.”
Suriya says, “I am gifted with such a nice family. The love and support I get from them are the two things which keep me going. I am a home bird and I always try to spend more time with my family members.”
‘Keep smiling, keep shining Suriya,’ says Team IndiaGlitz on this day and wishes the actor all success in his future endeavours.

Shooting champion felicitated

City Police Commissioner C. Sylendra Babu recently felicitated J.S. Venkatachalapathy of Coimbatore Rifle Club who won a silver medal in the 50 M Rifle Prone Men event at the Singapore Open Shooting Championships held between July 7 and 21. He represented the Tamil Nadu Shooting Association. The competition was attended by 12 countries including India, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Egypt, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The silver medal won by Mr. Venkatachalapathy ensured a bronze medal for the team events.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Provide inputs on zoning

Former President of SIEMA Jayakumar Ramdass (second left) releasing a souvenir at the inauguration of a seminar on ‘Quality Assurance in Valuation of Assets in the Changing Scenario' organised by the Institution of Valuers (Coimbatore Branch) in Coimbatore on Friday. President of Institution of Valuers, New Delhi, P.K. Thiagarajan (right), Director of Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore, P. Kanagasabapathi (left) and Chairman of the branch N. Sriram (second right) are in the picture. 

Valuers should provide inputs on zoning of the city, suggested Jayakumar Ramdass, Head of the Taskforce on Skills and Human Resource of the Confederation of Indian Industry, Tamil Nadu.
Inaugurat'ng a two-day seminar here on Friday on “Quality Assurance in Valuation of Assets in the Changing Scenario”, organised by the Coimbatore Branch of Institution of Valuers, he said zoning was important. When an industry came up in the city outskirts, residential property also developed in that area. This gradually led to implementation of pollution control norms and the industries had to shift to another location. As a result, industries were now developed as clusters. Zoning would help in development.
Valuers could also help by releasing quarterly report on land prices in their respective areas. P.K. Thiagarajan, President of the Institution of Valuers, said that with liberalisation, the profession had also become international.
P. Kanagasabapathi, Director of Tamil Nadu Institute of Urban Studies, Coimbatore, said that migration had been happening world over. Cities were growing because of urbanisation. In 2001, 44 per cent of the State's population lived in urban areas. This was expected to increase to 50 per cent soon. Valuation was a serious issue. In India, the problem was under-valuation at macro level. There were different estimates for economic indicators. The valuation problem should be addressed seriously
State Chairman of the Builders' Association of India K. Viswanathan said valuation was a complex subject. The land prices changed often. Valuation should be managed professionally. Prices of construction raw materials had increased. During the last one year, labour costs had gone up and masons were getting about Rs. 400 a day. Earlier, the labour component in construction cost used to be 25 per cent. Now, it was 30 per cent. Valuers should take this into consideration. S. Pichaiya, convenor of the event, said service sector was driving the country's growth and so professional services such as valuation were gaining importance. Valuers need to introspect and improve the standards of valuation.

Inclusivity is a must in innovation

Whenever an innovation is made, a new idea is generated, the focus should also been on inclusion, former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said here recently.
Addressing students at the GD Technical Training Institute in the city, he said, “While we penetrate products and new kinds of services in the market, we should also consider that whenever we innovate and try to generate new ideas, products, process and solutions, we should focus on inclusivity.”
“We should accord top priority to inclusivity, particularly when we are dealing with the society. If we are inclusive in ideas, we will integrate better, we will connect the seam of the society, wherein difference lie today – be it a digital divide or any other divide.”
Speaking on innovation and India's role in the knowledge economy, Mr. Kalam said the information technology sector employed more than two million persons and contributed roughly 25 per cent to Indian exports. And four per cent to GDP. He pointed out the innovation made in consumer items, especially shampoo sachet, cell phone business, health care, among others. India had natural resources and human capital. Though three million graduates and post graduates were passing out every year, the country still lacked employable labour. “There is a large gap in the availability of employable skill. How to bridge this gap is the question. The challenge is how to make many of them as employment generators rather than employment seekers.”

Land being identified for agri export terminals

The State Government is in the process of identifying 100 acres each in Chennai, Coimbatore, and Madurai, for setting up Agri Export Terminal Markets, Minister for Rural Industries and Animal Husbandry Pongalur N. Palanisamy said here on Friday.
Speaking to presspersons on the sidelines of a seminar on promoting agri exports at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), he said the terminals would include facilities from ground-level to value-addition that would help the farmer get maximum price for his produce.
Conceding that land was difficult to come by, he said that the land which was available was very expensive.
Vice-Chancellor of TNAU P. Murugesa Boopathi said if 100 acres was not possible to acquire within the city limits, a viable area easily accessible from the city like Kancheepuram near Chennai, Virudhunagar near Madurai and Perundurai near Coimbatore might be considered for the terminals.
“Such facilities will be provided by the government. But, instead of business houses, farmers themselves should turn entrepreneurs and businessmen to utilise these services to enhance their income,” the Vice-Chancellor said.
He further added that if farmers put to full use the technologies introduced by the university, they would be able to increase their yield three or four-fold to enable them export the surplus. High yield and good quality output would ensure that the produce exported was world-class, he added.
Pointing out that cold storage facilities in Pongalur, Hosur, Krishnagiri and Theni had been set up for the benefit of farmers he said private parties should come forward to set up such facilities by making use of the subsidy (35 per cent to 50 per cent) extended by the Government.
Out of the country's agri export revenue of Rs.58,959 crore in 2006-07, Tamil Nadu contributed Rs.8,300 crore.

Foundry industry back on the rails

Mayor R.Venkatachalam (third left) visiting a stall at the ‘International Foundry Tech 2010' at the CODISSIA Trade Fair Complex in Coimbatore on Friday. Executive Director of Electrotherm (India) Limited Narendra B.Dalal (left) is in the picture. 

Foundry and steel industries are on a recovery path, N.B. Dalal, Director-Technical, Electrotherm (India) Ltd., said here on Friday.
Talking to the media on the sidelines of the ‘International Foundry Tech 2010' exhibition, he said the signs of recovery were bright. “The last two quarters of this financial year will definitely be better.”
“In the last couple of years, many foundries were running at 60 per cent capacity. Now that has increased to cent per cent. Foundries are also looking at increasing production capacity or setting up new plants.”
Attributing the revival to the growth in the automobile industry, Mr. Dalal said the foundry sector would grow by around eight per cent this year. Aiding the growth was India turning into an automobile hub. Indian foundries manufactured six million castings a year, catering mostly to the automobile sector and micro steel industries. The capacity was close to Brazil's eight million tonnes.
It would take another four years for India to catch up with Brazil, he said and added that cost of labour, power, availability of raw materials and modern technology were the advantages the country enjoyed.
Compared to China, which manufactured 32 million tonnes a year, he said there was nothing for India to be worried about as the labour cost and technological advancements were more or less on a par. More than 150 establishments have set up stalls at the exhibition. The fair is open till July 26.

Pictures from Skyscrapercity

Friday, July 23, 2010

Stalin to inaugurate buildings at BU

Deputy Chief Minister M.K. Stalin will inaugurate two new buildings and lay foundation for five others at the Bharathiar University on August 2, Vice-Chancellor of the university C. Swaminathan said here on Friday.
Speaking to presspersons, he said the Department of Nanotechnology and International Students’ Hostel constructed at a cost of Rs. 5.5 crore would be inaugurated. The foundation for the two buildings was laid by Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi in February 2007.
Mr. Stalin would also lay the foundation for buildings including bio-technology and genetic engineering department, physics department, physical education department, second phase of indoor stadium, and IAS coaching centre.
“All the buildings will come up in 15 months at an outlay of Rs. 16.5 crore. Ministers K. Ponmudy and Pongalur N. Palanisamy will also be present,” the Vice-Chancellor said.
As many as 1,000 students drawn from the university and its affiliated colleges would take an organ donation pledge in the presence of the Deputy Chief Minister. 

Rock art site found in Tamil Nadu

Rare find:The newly discovered rock art at Kovanur, 30 km from Coimbatore, that shows a bison (right) and an unidentified animal.
A big rock art site has been discovered at Kovanur, Perianaickenpalayam taluk, 30 km northwest of Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu.
The site has about 60 paintings, both group compositions and individual images. The paintings portray the hunting of an elephant and a herd of deer, and images of a tiger, herds of bisons, a monitor lizard and hunters with bows and arrows.
The paintings have been done on a rock surface, about 40-foot-long and 15-foot-tall and at a height of 250 ft. from the ground, on a hill which is an extension of the Nilgiris mountains.
Just below these paintings, a large rock surface, which would have contained many similar murals, has been whitewashed. Both the extant paintings and the whitewashed surface are just above a small temple for goddess Poonkol Thayaar situated in a natural cavern.
K.T. Gandhirajan, who discovered the site on July 5, said: “All images are realistic. The artistes, who painted these figures, have carefully drawn them, with attention to detail, proportion and symmetry.”
The paintings belong to different periods and various styles. All of them have been done in white caolin in outline or solid form.
The earliest of them could be more than 2,500 years old, estimated Mr. Gandhirajan, who is documenting rock art in the Tamil Sangam age environment, with the support of the Central Institute of Classical Tamil here.
He located the paintings after he was taken there by R. Vijayaraghavan, physical education teacher at the Government High School, Kurumbapalayam, Coimbatore.
A group composition shows an elephant-hunting scene — the animal surrounded by three hunters in three directions.
Realistic sketch
There is a realistic sketch of a tiger, with its mouth wide open and an upturned tail. There are four hunters, two armed with bows and arrows, and the others with wooden sticks.
The artistes have drawn herds of deer and bisons. These images have a similarity to the paintings at Karikaiyur, about 35 km from Kovanur.
While both Irula and Kurumba tribals live at Kovanur, only Irulas live near Karikaiyur. While there are nine deer in a herd, there are 13 bisons in another herd. In one depiction, two hunters are aiming their arrows at the herd of deer which are grazing.
The white-washed portion of the rock surface covered an area of 240 feet and they might have had about 50 paintings, estimated Mr. Gandhirajan.
The devotees, who visit the temple, reportedly whitewashed them because they wanted the temple environment to look bright. There are about 70 rock art sites in Tamil Nadu.

IMA pledge to strive for clean image of medical fraternity

The Indian Medical Association's Coimbatore Branch has vowed to steer the medical fraternity clear off any controversy in the wake of the scam involving the former president of the Medical Council of India Ketan Desai.
In a pledge circulated among members, the IMA branch president, N.V. Girish Kumar, has said: “We, the members of Indian Medical Association, Coimbatore Branch, are deeply hurt to see the expanding extent of damage caused to medical education by some of our colleagues, whose misdeeds are slowly coming to the public domain, and to our notice too. There must be obviously many more doctors and other personnel involved in this massive fraud on the Indian public. We request the Government to bring all the misdeeds to light and all the perpetrators to [should] be punished very severely.”
Dr. Kumar said: “We are now asking for a new council to be formed afresh with the right number of elected members in it, to form the right balance as enshrined in the original MCI Act. While there were suggestions and indications of wrong-doing occurring at the MCI for a long time, we did not step in to do something, on the mistaken assumption that it was not as bad as it is now turning out to be.” The absolute autonomy given to the MCI was meant to insulate the medical profession from political and other interference. It had also placed a huge responsibility on the medical fraternity to closely monitor the allopathic system of medicine so that it could ensure good health in society. The responsibility towards the public had not been compromised despite what had happened in the MCI, Dr. Kumar said. He called upon the medical fraternity to take up again the task of “policing ourselves” much better.
“We implore the public to continue to keep their faith in the medical care given by us,” he said.

Go Green initiative launched

Former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam launched the Go Green initiative of the Axis Bank by distributing saplings to households in Race Course area.
J. Indhu, Relationship Manager of the Bank, in a release, said 200 saplings of “Michelia Champaka” (Orange Shenbagam flower) were sourced from the Green Hands of Isha Foundation.
Mr. Kalam said that a tree reduced 14 kg of carbon-di-oxide and gave out 20 kg of oxygen. A sapling was handed over to City Police Commissioner C. Sylendra Babu.
Going by the overwhelming response to the initiative, the bank had proposed to distribute more saplings to residential areas in other parts of Coimbatore as well.

Beauty of Kovai's surrounding - Source :: Skyscrapercity

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Atlast Coimbatore adds one more Diamond to its Crown

textile city alias cotton city,,, Engineering and industrial city,, Agriculture too,, City of Colleges,, Now Software,, This is for the better future.

Good News

Workshop on energy saving

The Confederation of Energy Conservation will organise a workshop on energy saving in engineering industry and global warming on July 23 at Ardra hall.
According to a release, the event will highlight the schemes and benefits of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, saving energy in lighting, usage of PIR sensors, energy saving motors, rooftop ventilation fans, energy auditing, energy saving in air compressors and energy auditing instruments.

Nissan launches Micra in Coimbatore

Nissan Motors India Private Limited has announced the launch of Micra at its showroom Ramani Nissan on Sathyamangalam Road in Coimbatore.
Nissan Micra is a fourth generation model, which is a smart, global hatchback simplifying urban mobility. Kiminobu Tokuyama, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Nissan and Abhijeet Pandit, Vice-President of Sales, Marketing and after Sales of Hover Automative India, said that the car is available in three variants and in six colours. The prices are Rs 3.98 lakh for the entry level variant and Rs 4.69 lakh for the mid-segment and Rs 5.29 lakh for top end. All the prices are ex-showrooms.
The company plans to have 20 dealers operational by the end of July and make it 30 by the end of the fiscal. The car is equipped with “multiple first-of-its-kind” features in the segment like the intelligent key plus immobiliser, a push-button engine start-stop system and an electric foldable mirror. The company promises a mileage of not less than 18 km per litre of petrol.

Some Pics from Skyscrapercity

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Urbanedge Hotels aims to operate and own four hotels by March 2011

Urbanedge Hotels, a special purpose vehicle (SPV) of Auromatrix Hotels Private Limited, which opened Aloft Chennai recently, plans to own and operate four properties in the Indian market by March 2011. Altogether the investment for the five properties (including Aloft Chennai) will be approximately Rs 550 crore. In the second phase of development, the Group plans to open ten more hotels across the country. For the same, it has identified cities like Hyderabad, Jaipur, Mysore, Kochi and Vishakhapatnam. For all the upcoming hotels, Urbanedge Hotels have signed franchise agreement with Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide for their brand ‘Aloft’.

Speaking exclusively with Hospitality Biz, Kumar Sitaraman, Chairman and CEO, Auromatrix Hotels said, “Our second hotel will open next month at Whitefield in Bengaluru with 170 keys. The other three properties in the pipeline are Coimbatore and Ahmedabad with 180 keys each and Chandigarh with 170 keys. All the properties will be operational by March 2011.

Josco Jewellers , this august.

Students asked to learn as much as possible

For young readers:Coimbatore Corporation Commissioner Anshul Mishra speaking at the launch of the Newspaper in Education (NIE) initiative of The Hindu at Shree Baldevdas Kikani Vidyamandir Matriculation Higher Secondary School in the city on Tuesday.

Coimbatore Corporation Commissioner Ansul Mishra has said that The Hindu has given students a “golden opportunity” to increase their general knowledge through its Newspaper In Education (NIE) programme. It was also a useful in increasing vocabulary.
He was launching the initiative at the Sree Baldevdas Kikani Vidyamandir Matriculation Higher Secondary School here on Tuesday. Sharing the NIE experience at Corporation schools, he said he found the programme useful and that many students had benefited.
He asked the students to take the programme seriously and derive maximum benefit there from. “Learn as much as possible and do it with cent per cent sincerity.”
The significance and the usefulness of the newspaper's initiative were highlighted by none other than the school students, the beneficiaries of the programme. Three of them shared their experience.
R. Mithun, an eighth grader, said last year's programme was “very interesting, informative” and that he had learnt a lot. “Spin a yarn”, ‘Vedic Mathematics' and ‘Inventions and Inventors' were the programmes I enjoyed,” he recalled. M. Almas, a ninth grader, said she learnt the art of public speaking, thanks to the NIE. Narrating a small story, the girl shared with the gathering the need for speaking out one's ideas.
B. Pallavi, a student of XI standard, recalled the opportunity she got to learn about different cultures, particularly Western culture at NIE programmes. She was also happy to share the experience of learning new words.
Tushar R. Kikani, Correspondent of the school, said he was sorry to note that reading habit was on the decline among students. “It is hard to see students or people in general flocking to library or book stores.” Reading helped readers think, form an opinion and thereby take an informed decision. “The most important thing is it lets you form an opinion. Besides, it also widens your horizon and deepens your knowledge.”
J.K. Periasamy, cardiologist, spoke on the need for heart care. He told the students that human heart, which starts functioning from the third month in the womb, continued till the person died and that there was nothing similar to it – functioning non-stop.
Quoting World Health Organisation statistics, he said in 2020 India was poised to become the country with maximum number of heart patients.
G. Satyamurty, Chief of Bureau, The Hindu, Coimbatore, welcomed the gathering. D. Rajkumar, Regional General Manager, proposed a vote of thanks.

Companies asked to take up a problem and work on it in order to serve society

Laudable effort: Bradley K. Googins (left), Executive Director, The Center for Corporate Cititizenship, Boston College, U.S, inaugurating a building at Idigarai Government High School, renovated by C.R.I. Pumps in Coimbatore recently. Vice-Chairman of C.R.I. Pumps G. Soundararajan (right) is in the picture.

Corporates cannot be expected to solve all problems in the society. They can, however, take up a problem and work on it, Bradley K. Googins, Executive Director, The Centre for Corporate Citizenship, Boston College, U.S., has said.
Addressing a small gathering at the Government High School in Idigarai, near here, he said gone were the days when companies engaged in philanthropy by donating goods and cash.
Today, they engaged with the community to improve the life of the targeted population.
He was at the school at the invitation of C.R.I. Pumps, which, through its Corporate Social Responsibility, wing had undertaken development works there. He also inaugurated a renovated building.
He suggested to the C.R.I. Pumps management that they not only involve the community but also the students' parents, as they also had a stake in the school's development.
It was akin to all concerned rowing a boat to its destination, he added.
G. Soundararajan, Vice Chairman, C.R.I. Pumps, said the company had taken up eight schools.
At the Idigarai school, the company focussed on infrastructure, education and health. It had renovated the girls' toilet and was working to improve the boys'.
It had appointed teachers under the parent teachers association to improve the teacher-student ratio, security guards, trained students in extra curricular activities and encouraged the formation of eco clubs.
He sought Mr. Googins' guidance on how to carry forward the CSR programme.
Members of the school PTA, village elders, students and others were present on the occasion.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Drawings from Coimbatore

From Skyscrapercity

RAAC along with Jaycess,Rotract,and Ge volunteers has helped launch Lead india 20 20,at coimbatore, a national movement, headed none other than our beloved Dr. A.P.J. Abudul kalam. It is his brain child. Motive of the program is to train youth to lead india in 20 20. first training session begins on aug 8th.

விமானப்படை தளம் விரிவாக்கம் நிலம் எடுக்க விவசாயிகள் எதிர்ப்பு

சூலூர் விமானப்படைத் தள விரிவாக்கப் பணிக்காக காடாம்பாடி, காங்கயம்பாளையம் உள்ளிட்ட கிராமங்களில் நிலம் கையகப்படுத்தப்பட உள்ளது. இதற்கு, விவசாயிகள், கிராம மக்கள் எதிர்ப்பு தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.

சூலூர், காங்கயம்பாளையத்தில் விமானப்படை தளம் செயல்பட்டு வருகிறது. விமானப்படை வீரர்களுக்கு பயிற்சி அளிக்கப்படுகிறது. படையினருக்கான குடியிருப்புகளும் உள்ளன. இதன் விரிவாக்க பணிக்காக 500 ஏக்கர் நிலம் கையகப்படுத்தலாம் என்ற தகவல் பரவி வருகிறது. இதையடுத்து, காங்கயம்பாளையம், காடாம்பாடி, கலங்கல், அப்பநாயக்கன்பட்டி, பருவாய் உள்ளிட்ட ஊராட்சிகளில் நிலம் கையகப்படுத்தப்படலாம்.

கிராம நிர்வாக அலுவலர்களுக்கு இது தொடர்பான அறிவிப்பு, சூலூர் தாலுகா அலுவலகத்திலிருந்து அனுப்பப்பட்டுள் ளது. கையகப்படுத்தும் நிலப்பகுதிகள் பொதுமக்களுக்கு தெரியும் வகையில் அலுவலக விளம்பர பலகையில் ஒட்ட அறிவுறுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது.

கையகப்படுத்தும் நிலத்திற்கு இழப்பீடாக கலங்கல் ஊராட்சியில் ஏக்கருக்கு 2. 50 லட்சம் ரூபாயும், மற்ற ஊராட்சிகளில் 2 லட்சம் ரூபாய் என மதிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதற்கு விவசாயிகள் மத்தியில் கடும் எதிர்ப்பு கிளம்பி உள்ளது.

இதுகுறித்து காங்கயம்பாளையத்தை சேர்ந்த விவசாயிகள் கூறியதாவது: விமானப்படை தள விரிவாக்கப் பணிக்கு விளைநிலங்களை கையகப்படுத்தக் கூடாது. விவசாயிகளும், விவசாயமும் கடுமையாக பாதிக்கப்படும். குடியிருப்பு பகுதிகளை கையகப்படுத்துவதால் மக்களின் வாழ்வாதாரம் பாதிக்கப்படும்.

ஏற்கனவே கையகப்படுத்திய நிலத்திற்கு குறைந்த அளவே இழப்பீடு தொகை நிர்ணயம் செய்யப்பட்டது. அத்தொகையும் முழுமையாகவும், முறையாகவும் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு வழங்கப்படவில்லை. இது தொடர்பான வழக்குகள்,நிலுவையில் உள்ளன. இந்நிலையில், மீண்டும் கையகப்படுத்த முயிற்சிக்க கூடாது. இவ்வாறு, காங்கயம்பாளையம் விவசாயிகள் தெரிவித்தனர்.-Dinamalar

AFNHB plea for traffic signal

With the housing project of the Air Force Naval Housing Board (AFNHB) for defence personnel taking shape in Ganapathy, there is an appeal for installation of traffic signal at the Athipalayam Pirivu junction on Sathy Road.
According to a release, “the junction is already an accident-prone area. The traffic density will increase when the project gets completed in May 2012 and the 2,000 inhabitants take possession of the houses. Hence, there is an urgent requirement of a traffic signal at the intersection”.
To discuss this, a public meeting will be organised on the AFNHB project premises (old Om Parasakthi Mills) on Tuesday at 4 p.m.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Car Race !!


Cool Pictures of CBE

New Route to Gandhipuram-- Skyscrapercity

இந்திய பெண்கள் கல்விக்கு 10 ஆயிரம் டாலர் வசூலித்து கொடுத்த அமெரிக்க மாணவி

கோவை : இந்திய பெண்களின் கல்விக்கு உதவும் திட்டத்துக்கு 10 ஆயிரம் அமெரிக்க டாலர் வசூலித்துக்கொடுத்துள்ளார், அமெரிக்க மாணவி ஒருவர்."சேவ் அவர் டாட்டர்ஸ் இந்தியா' அறக்கட்டளை நிர்வாக அறங்காவலர் சம்பத்குமார் மற்றும் ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளர் டாக்டர் மோகன் பிரசாத் கூறியதாவது:ஏழை மற்றும் காப்பகத்தில் வாழும் பெண் குழந்தைகளுக்கு கல்வி, வேலைவாய்ப்பு பெற்று தருவதன் மூலம் அவர்களின் வாழ்வை மேம்படுத்த "சேவ் அவர் டாட்டர்ஸ் இந்தியா' அறக்கட்டளை துவக்கப் பட்டுள்ளது.

கடந்த 2009ல் கோவை மற்றும் உடுமலை பகுதிகளில் முதன் முதலாக இந்த திட்டம் துவக்கப்பட்டது. இப்போது இந்த திட்டத்தை பிற பகுதிகளுக்கும் விரிவு படுத்தி வருகிறோம்.சமுதாயத்தில் பெண் சிசுக் கொலையை தடுக்கவும், பெண்களுக்கு கல்வி மற்றும் வேலைவாய்ப்பு சரியாக கிடைக்க வழிவகை செய்வதுமே நோக்கமாகக் கொண்டு செயல்படுகிறோம். இந்த திட்டத்துக்கு, பணமும், நல்லகுணமும் படைத்த சிலர், ரோட்டரி கிளப் மூலமாக காப்பகம் மற்றும் ஏழைப்பெண் குழந்தைகளில் ஒருவர் வீதம் தத்தெடுத்து அவர்களுக்கு கல்வி மற்றும் வேலைவாய்ப்பு பெற உதவும் வகையில் இத்திட்டம் வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதன்படி, பெண் குழந்தைகளை தத்தெடுக்கும் நபர், அக்குழந்தையின் பள்ளி, கல்லூரிப் படிப்பு முடித்து வேலை வாய்ப்பு பெற்று இச்சமுதாயத்தில் யாருடைய உதவியும் இல்லாமல் வாழும் காலம் வரும் வரை அன்புடன் கூடிய உதவித்தொகையை தத்தெடுப்பவர்கள் வழங்க வேண்டும். இதுவரை இத்திட்டத்தில் 40 பெண்கள் பயன் பெற்றுள்ளனர்.

மக்கள் தொகையில் பெண்களின் சதவீதம் குறைந்து கொண்டே வருகிறது. கருவிலேயே பெண் குழந்தைகள் அழிப்பு, சிசுக்கொலை, பெண் குழந்தையை வீதியில் விட்டுச் செல்லுதல், கடத்தல், ஊட்டச்சத்து குறைவு, விபசாரத்தில் ஈடுபடுத்தப்படுதல் என இதற்கு பல காரணங்கள் உள்ளன. மக்களிடம் இதுகுறித்த விழிப்புணர்வை ஏற்படுத்தவே இந்த திட்டம் அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது.இத்திட்டத்துக்கு அமெரிக்காவைச் சேர்ந்த பள்ளி மாணவி, தன்னுடைய நண்பர்களிடம் இத்திட்டம் குறித்து விளக்கி, இதுவரை 10 ஆயிரம் அமெரிக்க டாலர் பணத்தை வசூலித்துள்ளார். இத்திட்டம் மூலமாக, செவிலியர் படிப்பு, ஆசிரியர் பயிற்சி, பி.எஸ்.சி., பயோ-டெக்னாலஜி, பி.ஏ., பொருளாதாரம், பி.எஸ்.இ., உணவு மற்றும் ஊட்டச்சத்து, பி.காம்., உள்ளிட்ட பாடப்பிரிவுகளில் 10 பெண்கள் கடந்த ஆண்டில் சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளனர். இந்தாண்டில் 25க்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் கல்வி பயில்கின்றனர். உடுமலையை அடுத்த கீரனூரில் 10 குழந்தைகளுக்கு கல்வி உதவித் தொகை வழங்கப்படுகிறது. இத்திட்டதை செயல்படுத்துவதன் மூலம் பெண் சிசுக்கொலை குறையும். பசிக்கொடுமை அகலும்; ஆரோக்கிய வாழ்வு அமையும், மனித உரிமைகள் காப்பாற்றப்படும்; ஏழ்மை அகலும், சமுதாயத்தில் அமைதி ஏற்படும்.இவ்வாறு சம்பத்குமார் மற்றும் மோகன் பிரசாத் தெரிவித்தனர்.--Dinamalar

Education brightens up their lives

BENEVOLENT ACT: Former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (third left) handing over an admission card to a student to pursue free college education at a function organised to launch the ‘Save Our Daughters India' movement in the city on Saturday. Managing Trustee of the movement T. Sampath Kumar (second left) and Chairman of the Coimbatore Kendra of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan B.K. Krishnaraj Vanavarayar (left) are in the picture. 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Proposed IT building for KG SOFT and KG CAS- From Skyscrapercity

Outdoor lifestyle store opened

Enjoy outdoor space:Products displayed at ‘eLLements' on Race Course Road in Coimbatore. 

Indigo Venture has opened a retail outlet (eLLements) in Coimbatore.
eLLements caters to outdoor needs, including tiles, pottery, swings, garden lights, shades, barbecues, hammocks and furniture. “This is an outdoor solutions company promoting outdoor lifestyle,” says its Managing Partner Sanjay Gulvady.
Coimbatore is the third location for eLLements after Chennai and Hyderabad. It proposes to expand to Kochi and Pune too by the end of this year.
Indigo is primarily a sourcing company for projects, resorts, institutions and spas. It supplies products for outdoor and landscape. According to Mr. Gulvady people enjoy outdoor space, however small it is. The company aims at encouraging people to use the space and add value to outdoor life. Most of the products are for institutions, project developers, cafes and restaurants and these are sourced from Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, India and the U.S.
The company has several customers from Coimbatore and nearby areas, including Tirupur, Erode, the Nilgiris and Kerala. Mosaic tiles made of natural stone (marble, onyx, sandstone, limestone and lava stone), stone tiles made of slate, sandstone, quartzite or limestone, handcrafted natural stone basins, outdoor deck flooring for pool spaces, verandah, patios, pathways, balcony and gardens, oil-treated timber or wood, Inca hammocks and outdoor lighting are available at the store. eLLements provides installation and maintenance for some products. eLLements is located at VJ Centre on the Race Course Road, Coimbatore.